Dr, Melissa Clouthier : Mourning Michigan: How liberal policies are killing the state I love. 6 steps for dealing with liberal friends and family Do you want to be friends or do you want to prove you're right? I'm not saying you should go along to get along, because I don't believe in doing that, but people get very sensitive about how little they know about politics. If you rub it in their faces or make them look like idiots, which incidentally, is what generally makes for a ...
I'm on vacation officially though in reality according to my journal I still managed 30 hours last week here at the cottage. My online availability has been diminished a bit (i.e. not browsing the sites much). Here some pictures from the trip.
In classic strategy games such as Total Annihilation and in Supreme Commander the player not only had their usual units but also had a commander -- a very powerful central unit that was particularly lethal and capable of doing many different things. Demigod, in many respects, is the logical progression of this game mechanic. In Demigod, players choose a hero to be their Demigod in a quest to becoming increasingly powerful. In individual games that take place in arenas that, in my opi...
For those of you interested in what my desktop looks like, I'm running Aero Frost with the "Think Green" weather gadget.
With Dell taking the Windows experience to the next level with the introduction of the Dell Dock, I've seen a lot of online buzz about it. Most agree that the Dell Dock is really good but intermixed are a lot of Mac fans who use terms like "Mac rip off" or how it's a copy of the Mac dock . Mac zealots have a long and glorious history of retroactively claiming pre-existing concepts as being invented by Apple. For example, the modern "widget" (end user created applets that use...
Our 2 year old (almost 2 anyway) is just such a helper...
Each month it seems another significant figure in the scientific community comes forward to express skepticism about human-induced "global warming" (now re-branded as "climate change" since it's tougher to disprove). I think this year will be the year we look back and say "Hah, remember when there was this huge movement of self-righteous but scientifically clueless lay people running around screaming about human induced global warming despite so little evidence?&quo...
Greetings! With the release of Beta 1 starting to get closer (August) to all those who pre-order the game, we're starting to put together a tentative schedule. Those of you who have been through other Stardock betas know how these things go. Below is what you can expect: August. Beta 1. This will not be a "fun" beta. It's a stress test of the engine. Those of you who were in the Sins of a Solar Empire beta or the GalCiv betas know we're not kidding. There will be ...
The concept of Demigod is quite simple: A god has fallen and several heroes have stepped up to battle for the right to take his place. The gods, accepting this challenge, have created a number of godly arenas where these heroes can call upon their former allies from the mortal world to help them achieve victory. In a large sense, Demigod is a strategy game. But it's not like Supreme Commander or Company of Heroes. Instead, it is something quite different as it is very tactical in natur...
For the first time since I became old enough to vote, I'm seriously considering sitting out a Presidential election. Obama, on the one hand, brings nothing to the Presidency other than a radical agenda that seems to have little understanding of how the real world works. There's no circumstance that I would vote for him. But to me, McCain's actually worse. Unlike Obama, McCain actually took away our rights. His "Campaign Finance Reform" stripped a lot of my ...
This year I've got 8 hives. Of those 8 hives, none of them are doing what I'd say great but all but one is doing okay. Though, the ones doing okay I use the term loosely. One of them is doing crazy stuff inside the hive.

Impulse doesn't care where you got the programs, you can keep them side by side.

Minimizing Impulse to the Impulse dock I can quickly access all my stuff.
Rather than sit in the system tray, users can minimize Impulse to the dock. Users can add new tabs, change new tabs which show up on the dock as well. The Impulse dock can be organized how the user wishes, new groups and short cuts added. Users can add short-cuts into the folders (categories) or add them to the root of the dock directly.
The Next Generation Digital Platform Creating a digital platform for both PC games and applications “Impulse is the most user friendly and versatile platform we've used to date, and it’s clear that there's nothing else quite like it.” -- Bartosz Kijanka, vice president of engineering at Gas Powered Games (developers of Dungeon Siege, Supreme Commander, and Demigod). A Quick Primer on Stardock Stardock is the developer of Impulse, a next-generation digital pl...