In hindsight it was probably a mistake for the Democrats to start trying to smear Bush with the AWOL nonsense. When one side of zealots begins smearing the other side, that other side's zealots are bound to strike back. And it looks like Kerry's glass house is about to get shattered. Wesley Clark told reports that Kerry has an "Intern problem" and predicted that Kerry's campaign would implode as a result. Sure enough, The Drudge Report (linked to at the bottom of this article) has a report t...
In the game, The Political Machine, , the computer AI only knows the statistics. It doesn't have to play real world politics. It only knows which states it needs to win and based on our data, which issues to focus on. So the computer controlled John Kerry is always trying to get Missiouri and Iowa which tends to mean Ghepthardt. But what about Tom Vilsack? Governor of Iowa? Kerry should talk to him.
While visiting NASA, John Kerry posed for the cameras and Nasa put the results up. Kerry, who apparently found the pictures unflattering, cried foul. And he cried foul loud enough to gain the attention of the national media and bloggers who turned a picture that nobody would likely have seen into one everyone is going to see. Sometimes, it's better to let sleeping dogs lie.
Robert Reich has a new book that talks about the principles of liberalism, conserativism, and adds a new category "radcons". It's an interesting, if self-serving, look at things. I say self-serving because he seems to imagine that the Democratic party is being run by the warm fuzzy liberals he describes. But is that the case? Perhaps he should add one more category -- Radlib. Because apparently, in Reich's mind, based on his book and interviews, the radicals are all on the right.&nbs...
Some of you may recall that back in very early May we predicted that Kerry would pick Richard Gepthardt as his running mate. Why? Because in The Political Machine simulations, the AI version of John Kerry kept wanting a running mate to win Iowa or Missouri. AI controlled John Kerry realized that he only needed to win one of those two states in the election to essentially wrap up the white house. At the beginning of June we noticed that that the governor of Iowa was a Democrat so we added To...
That seems to be the hot topic right now. Who is John Kerry going to pick for his VP candidate. In our upcoming game, The Political Machine ( ), the AI controlled Kerry tends to pick someone from Missiouri or Iowa. So to be safe, we put in Richard Gephardt complete with artwork for him. That wasn't too tough. I mean, he's a likely choice. But who could Kerry pick from Iowa? The governor of Iowa is Tom Vilsack, a Democrat. He's a possibility....
I can't say I'm happy that Republicans have lost the house of representatives. I went out and voted today. My votes tended to be for Republicans overall. I don't consider myself to be a Republican but given the choices, I'm going to vote for the people who come closest to representing my views as long as they have worked within a certain threshold of what my expectations are. Since I'm in Michigan, in Wayne County, that basically means that the incumbants are Democrats anyway. Nation...
A thread over at the Democratic Underground asks what makes you proud to be an American. The answers provide an answer as to why so many people have doubts about the patriotism of the left.
The Senate's most famous brain donor, Democrat Barbara Boxer, publicly stated her belief that judges should require a super majority vote to be confirmed -- standing the constitution on its head. Her argument stemmed from her erroneous belief that once a judge is in, you can't get them out. That's actually not the case. In the early days of the republic, Presidents removed judges quite regularly for not following the constitution. If we got back to that, then we wouldn't have...
Since 1992, the Democrats have seen a pretty steady decline in their status in the American political system. They lost seats in the house of representatives, the senate, state governorships, and state assemblies. In 2000 they narrowly lost the white house as well. And since 2000, things have become dramatically worse for the Democrats with them being a minority party in every sense? What the hell happened? James Carville, a Democratic advisor to Kerry and Clinton put it succinctly o...
Pay close attention: It's all about Ohio. Whoever wins Ohio wins the election. Kerry knows this. So does Bush. If you live on Ohio, I imagine every ad is a political ad and if not, it soon will be. All this post-convention "bounce" they talk about ultimately means nothing if Bush loses Ohio because it's not the popular vote that matters, as Gore discovered. It's all about the electoral college and if Kerry can win Ohio, it's all over for Bush.
Kerry is demanding Bush implement the 9/11 commissions's recommendations immediately. This should scare you. Why? Because under the commission's design, the new intelligence czar would be part of the President's cabinet and have an office in the white house. You sure you want that? You sure you want some combined FBI/CIA master ultra intelligence czar to be working in the white house with relatively little oversight? Because that's what Kerry is demanding. Bush, by contr...
John Kerry and his supporters have made a lot of noise of his 4 months in Vietnam on a Swift boat. But what do the men who actually served with him think? Overwhelmingly, they reject him. Described variously as a glory hound, he apparently took a home movie camera with him in which he reinacted various events in front of the camera in an effort to glorify what he did. I don't know enough on this to know how much of it is usual political propaganda or not. ... The hatred towards George Bush and Republicans in general has certainly increased since the 2000 election. I visit a lot of websites during the week and while I see a lot of idealogues on the right, there is no right-wing equivalent to Democratic-underground. Even here on JoeUser, the tolerenace for the right by those on the left seems to be problematic, at best. I have seen people argue that this site is right-wing. Why? I...
As I get ready to simmer down for the evening for a hectic day tomorrow, it appears Obama has it in the bag. They've just called Ohio for Obama which means it's over. Congratulations to Obama on his historic victory. It will be interesting to see how things progress from here.