Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Draginol's Articles In Democrat » Page 2
September 3, 2004 by Draginol
Pay close attention: It's all about Ohio. Whoever wins Ohio wins the election.  Kerry knows this. So does Bush.  If you live on Ohio, I imagine every ad is a political ad and if not, it soon will be. All this post-convention "bounce" they talk about ultimately means nothing if Bush loses Ohio because it's not the popular vote that matters, as Gore discovered.  It's all about the electoral college and if Kerry can win Ohio, it's all over for Bush.
November 28, 2004 by Draginol
Since 1992, the Democrats have seen a pretty steady decline in their status in the American political system.  They lost seats in the house of representatives, the senate, state governorships, and state assemblies. In 2000 they narrowly lost the white house as well. And since 2000, things have become dramatically worse for the Democrats with them being a minority party in every sense? What the hell happened? James Carville, a Democratic advisor to Kerry and Clinton put it succinctly o...
November 4, 2008 by Draginol
As I get ready to simmer down for the evening for a hectic day tomorrow, it appears Obama has it in the bag. They've just called Ohio for Obama which means it's over.  Congratulations to Obama on his historic victory.  It will be interesting to see how things progress from here.
August 14, 2008 by Draginol
There's been a lot of sob stories about people losing their homes due to the recent mortgage crisis.  But everytime anyone looks at one, they discover that the fault isn't with "predatory lenders" or "the economy", the fault lies with stupid stupid consumers. Check out this one:
July 1, 2008 by Draginol
For the first time since I became old enough to vote, I'm seriously considering sitting out a Presidential election. Obama, on the one hand, brings nothing to the Presidency other than a radical agenda that seems to have little understanding of how the real world works.  There's no circumstance that I would vote for him. But to me, McCain's actually worse.  Unlike Obama, McCain actually took away our rights.  His "Campaign Finance Reform" stripped a lot of my ...
April 2, 2008 by Draginol
  Somehow, I just don't see Abraham Lincoln and Nancy Pelosi being ideological "buds".  Eric Alterman once again proves the point that most liberals simply see things as a "good" vs. "evil". Good people are liberals. Bad people are conservatives. It might make modern day liberals such as Eric Alterman feel good thinking he's in the company of say Thomas Jefferson, but I suspect Jefferson would take issue with today's modern liberal agenda ...
October 25, 2007 by Draginol
Democrats, in general, are extremely ignorant about economics. It's difficult to even find a Democrat with any serious experience in running a business or having actually produced anything at all. Elected Democrats tend to be lawyers. At best, lawyers help honest business men and individuals settle a dispute. At worst, lawyers are parasites on society. It is usually without irony that Democrats decry how much doctors make and how health care costs need to be controlled while ignoring that it ...
October 25, 2007 by Draginol
In the United States, liberals represent the American left. And liberals tend to be Democrats.  It has been my observation that generally speaking, liberals despise democracy. They either make use of obscure procedural tricks or the courts to get their way. Rarely do you get to have such a great example of quintessential characteristics of a modern American liberal.  This week, David Obey, a Democrat from Wisconsin is single handedly holding up a supplemental military funding bill t...
October 6, 2007 by Draginol
The far left in the United States are outraged that Bush vetoed the bill that would have provided "free" health insurance to minors. When these discussions get going, I am always amazed that the obvious solution isn't taken: Start charities that provide health insurance to the "needy". It wouldn't be that hard to do.  Those who really feel strongly about paying for health insurance for other people could donate to these charities. Then, those who wanted said health insurance would sen...
September 27, 2007 by Draginol
In a discussion I had today, an argument was posed: Why do conservatives hate insuring kids? Of course, it's a strawman argument.  Conservatives object to paying for other people's personal decisions.  Having a child, is a choice.  Liberals are overwhelmingly in favor of "Abortion rights" and therefore see having children as a "choice". On the other hand, they apparently against choice when it comes to whether other people should have to pay for the choice a woman m...
September 23, 2007 by Draginol
For a fascinating series of examples of how really REALLY far-left debaters think and behave, especially when confronted with alternative points of view, check out the comments in this article: It is extremely interesting to read how they think but also how intolerant many of them are to opposing points of view. 
September 22, 2007 by Draginol
Why don't garbage men or teachers or factory workers make as much as CEOs? We need teachers right? Our society would get pretty dirty in a hurry without garbage men and the things we rely on every day wouldn't exist without factory workers.  How can we justify living in a world in which some CEO makes 1000X as much as these people? A garbage man doesn't make as much as a CEO because the number of people who can be a garbage man are far more than the number of people who can be a CEO. ...
September 22, 2007 by Draginol
The smirking chimp is a site dedicated to not just insults of President Bush but also of promoting radical left-wing nonsense like the article "When the rich make too much money". It never ceases to amaze me to see someone write, without irony on a computer, built by companies started by people who are now "rich" full of components made by companies whose founders are "rich"  running computer software made by companies whose founders are "rich" complaining how unfair it is that there a...
February 10, 2007 by Draginol
I like Gov Granholm. She's the kind of politican that few states are lucky to have -- honest, friendly, reasonable. I also think she's intelligent. But it is, IMO, her intelligence that had led her economic policies to disaster. Simply put, when she doesn't know something, she relies on her intelligence to function as a form of intuition. And for whatever reason, she just has some sort of block when it comes to business. In her 2007 state of the state speech, she advocates raising taxes to...
December 10, 2006 by Draginol
My friend Cordellia thinks she might be in favor of Obama in 2008 depending on how things go. I agree with her that it's hard to be certain without knowing who the choices are.  But having looked at his positions and statements, I'm pretty sure I couldn't vote for him even though I agree with him on a lot of his votes. Let's see how we match up: Abortion: Support Affirmative Action: Strongly oppose Rights for gays: Support Teaching family values in public schools: No op...