Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Draginol's Articles In Vacations
April 26, 2005 by Draginol
"Why did Obi-Wan grow a beard?" was the first thing our 4-year old uttered when he woke up this morning as we prepared to go to The Magic Kingdom here at Disney World. The Magic Kingdom is the favorite for most kids. But to get the most out of it, you really have to get there as early as possible. By noon, hour and a half waits for the popular rides are not uncommon.  For us, that meant that we were basically finished with the park attractions by noon other than ones that allowed Fas...
April 27, 2005 by Draginol
Today we spent the day at Animal Kingdom. Animal Kingdom has been the most satisfying of the parks so far here at Disney World. We were able to do everything we wanted to do in a day here without having to wait in long lines. I should clarify, we got to do everything we wanted to do today except the Dinosaur ride broke down (a ride where you go back in time to 65 million years ago, that would have been cool I suspect).  We probably won't get a chance to go back there but I suspect we'll ...
April 24, 2005 by Draginol
There are a lot of guides out there about going to Disney World on a small budget. We've explored how maximize ones Orlando Florida experience on the cheap in the past. There's camping, there's time-shares, there's low cost hotels. But what about at the high end? If you put in the bucks, how well does Disney scale up? Based on recent Disney commercials, the implication is that Disney can also serve as a pretty impressive upscale destination if you want to put in the dollars. So this time a...
April 22, 2005 by Draginol
When I was 23, I could work 80 hours a week for years on end. Now I'm 33 and I can definitely feel the hours wearing.  In March, according to my daily planner, I worked 256 hours. There were 23 official work days in March so that comes out to about 11 hours per day.  Of course, I don't usually work 11 hours per day. Instead, I work more days per week (typically 6 days per week). But still, working 55 to 60 hours per week over the course of months and months will wear a person down a...
April 28, 2005 by Draginol
The Epcot Center is probably the weakest of the Disney Parks.  This is particularly true at present where a number of the key attractions are off-line.  After finishing off The Magic Kingdom this morning, we headed over to the Epcot Center where the few compelling attractions had massive lines.  The most popular attraction seems to be the Test Drive.  After getting a Fast Pass and doing other things for a couple of hours, we finally went back, waited another half hour onl...
April 30, 2005 by Draginol
We're back.. Over at the Epcot Center Wife Debbie At Animal Kingdom In front of the castle at Magic Kingdom
April 24, 2005 by Draginol
They seem to come from an assembly line: The Fat 7 year old boy and his younger fat 5 year old brother or sister. Fat dad and skinny, passive mom. They're everywhere. You'll find them at breakfast. The fat 7 year old will be spazzing around as his mom is trying to get him to finish his breakfast Coca Cola. You'll find them trying to cut in line at the rides.  You'll find them throwing tantrums in food lines.  You'll find them tapping the glass at the "do not ...