Vote by Income All Gore Bush Buchanan Nader Under $15,000 7 % 57 % 37 % 1 % 4 % $15-30,000 16 % 54 % 41 % 1 % 3 % $30-50,000 24 % 49 % 48 % 0 % 2 % $50-75,000 25 % 46 % 51 % 0 % 2 % $75-100,000 13 % 45 % 52 % 0 % 2 % Over $100,000 15 % 43 % 54 % 0 % 2 % Funny ...
I've been getting a lot of email and posts from game developers who are wondering what our overall strategy is with getting new games on Let me take a quick stab at that in plainer terms than any spindoctored marketing document could: is a gaming network for obtaining games electronically and downloading them right away. What makes it different is that it also includes retail games as well as indie titles and that there is no sort of DRM type scheme or "rentin...
I offend people. Often. Daily. It's not that I'm a jerk. Well, I might be a jerk but I don't think of myself as a jerk. Not a big jerk anyway. The problem is within my fingers. They move fast. Very fast. You see, I type 120 words per minute. Busy hands. And I have a lot of opinions on a lot of things. Many things I don't worry too much about but I like writing about them anyway. I care. I just don't care care. A couple weeks ago, I wrote about Dashboard vs. Konfabulator . It's not ...
It figures the first time I get quoted in Newsweek it would be the issue with Steve Jobs on the front. His big mug glaring at me for all eternity as a constant reminder that even as software companies go, we're small potatoes. But still, it's pretty cool to be in Newsweek because of something we made as opposed to something we did ! But still, definitely pretty cool to get into Newsweek with my name mentioned and quote and all.
This article from "Elf-Inside" about his experiences with games and with Stardock really underscores where the PC game industry needs to go. He has a really good analogy: When I buy a pizza, I expect to get a pizza. I expect it with the toppings I order, and I expect it to be delivered promptly. By calling Domino's or Papa John's, I've contractually agreed to pay for a pizza when it arrives. But if the deliverman shows up 2 hours late, with cold pizza, with Anchovies instead of Peperoni,...
And so it begins... People have long talked about the day when we would just be able to buy a retail-level game and be able to download it right then and there. And for the past two years, Stardock has allowed its customers to purchase and download Stardock's retail titles via But the challenge was how to expand those titles beyond the Stardock titles? How to convince independent developers and publishers to put their titles for available on-line -- especially ...
In Windows 95, 98, and ME, we were always running out of "resources". There was even a resource monitor that would tell you what % was left. But don't worry, Windows NT (and its descendants Win2K and XP) would take care of that...NOT. Now there's a new resource limit that causes the unwary all kinds of problems: Handles. If you get up over around 17,000 used on your system, it'll eventually start getting flakey just like if you ran out of resources on the old versions of Windo...
Last month I wrote about the importance of friendship . I think for me the biggest reason why friendships matter so much is because I'm an only child. And not just an only child, the only-child of a single parent who grew up with no local extended family members for most of that time. So for me, friends mean a lot. They're like family. And I don't mean that like a cliché. People who have no brothers or sisters, for instance, simply cannot imagine the feelings associated with having the...
I really like Stargate: SG1. I watch it every week. The characters are good, the stories are good, and despite every planet looking a lot like the forests near Vancouver, the universe they play in is good. I wasn't expecting much of Stargate Atlantis so it came as a pleasant surprise that it was so good. I mean really good. The jury is out on the characters but the story and backdrop are really outstanding. The bad guys have to be amongst the scariest bad guys I've ...
Nobody wants to admit their side makes mistakes in judgment. Usually both sides in an argument share some part of the blame. But in my experience, one side usually has more of it shoulder than the other. In terms of dealing with Iraq, it strikes me that the left has been the most cynical in dealing with the whole Iraq situation. Some of you probably disagree and are prepared to hit the comment button and paste in Anti-Bush quote #2921 that you found on some website. So let me p...
If you go onto a website, or more specifically an Internet community and you find the admins to be evil and obnoxious or whatever, your best bet is to turn around and go away. Believe me, I've learned this lesson the hard way over the years. I've been on websites where the admins were just incredibly obnoxious and were in constant power trip mode. I am sure I must seem that way to some people too. Though I would describe myself more as apathetic than anything else. Which gets to my poin...
As heads towards being officially launched (probably in late August) I wanted to give you a preview of what's going on: Blog Navigator and Blog Navigator Pro. We're going to make Blog Navigator Freeware and then create a Blog Navigator Pro (anyone who bought the regular one will automatically get the Pro version). Blog Navigator Pro. This program has all the features of Blog Navigator plus some extras (more search capabilities for example) along with the ability...
I am what you would call an undecided voter. But it's really more complicated than that since the choice for me isn't whether I would vote for Bush or Kerry but rather will I vote for Bush or not. There is no way I'll vote for Kerry. But that doesn't mean I'm willing to vote for Bush. Unlike many neophyte ideologues, I don't imagine the end of the world coming simply because the "other guy" gets elected. Therefore, the side I tend to be more sympathetic to doesn't automat...
Got this in email today... Subject: Social Security When Franklin Roosevelt, a Democrat, introduced the Social Security (FICA) Program. He promised: 1.) That participation in the Program would be completely voluntary. 2.) That the participants would only have to pay 1% of the first $1,400 of their annual incomes into the Program. 3.) That the money the participants elected to put into the Program would be deductible from their income tax each year. 4.) That the money ...
Net communities are fairly predictable. They go through various stages during their life cycle. JoeUser is a net community too and the same things I've seen on countless other communities I see here. What is unique about JoeUser is that it's also a blog site. Most blog sites are isolated from one another. Being isolated from the other blogs on a blog community has its pros and cons. On the pro side, you have much more control over how your site is promoted.&nb...