This is a true story:

Dear Mrs.. Jones,
I wish to clarify that I am not now, nor have I ever been, an exotic dancer. I work at Home Depot and I told Sarah how hectic it was last week before the blizzard hit. I told her we sold out every single shovel we had. Then I found one more in the back room, and several people were fighting over who would get it. Sarah's picture does NOT show me dancing around a pole. It's supposed to depict me selling the last snow shovel we had at Home Depot. From now on I will remember to check her homework more thoroughly before she turns it in.
Mrs.. Smith
When I have lots of energy I tend to plan to do a lot more in the future on the false assumption that that energy will persist. Sigh.
For the record, I was against Proposition 8 in California. I don't think the state should involve itself in what legal arrangements consenting adults make. If two gay people want to get married, that's fine with me. That said, the people of California voted (again) and they have decided that they don't want the state to acknowledge gay marriage. Now Google comes along and tries to sue to have this overturned based on the premise that it makes it harder to hire people in ...
This week has been pretty tiring. I hate being away from my family. I just left CES in Las Vegas and now I’m in Redmond Washington. Next Wednesday I get to come home. If you want to see what I have been doing at CES see my other blog – .
In the beginning... There were 13 colonies, each considered themselves a sovereign independent state (what we would call a nation today). Virginia and New York, for instance, considered themselves as sovereign as England and France. The peace treaty between Great Britain and the United States was between Britain and the 13 specifically named independent states. As a means to largely defend themselves from powerful colonial powers as well as to discourage warring between themselves...
Healthcare includes Medicaid, Medicare, and other stuff. Pensions includes Social Security and pensions for government workers.
Merry Christmas everyone!
There is an excellent book called Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money--That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! I highly recommend it to people. In many discussions on-line, it becomes really apparent that most people don't really understand money. They know what it does but they have no idea how it works, where it comes from, and how to make more of it. Conceptually, it's straight forward: If I have $1 and my goal is to have more than $1 then I need to...
So my tax bill for April is starting to come together and it's looking pretty bad. I've been paying estimated taxes all year but we had a particularly good year this year and since many of our projects run under S-corporations, their profits get tied to my personal return (like most small business owners). Our company has around 70 people in it. We'd have more but we literally can't fit anyone else in the building. We're in the process of building out other parts...
Today was a good day. A major book publisher wants to publish my book. That makes me happy. Then, IGN gave our PC game, Sins of a Solar Empire its Best PC Game of 2008 award and Twilight of the Arnor got best expansion pack. And that came on the heels of GameSpy giving those two games its best of the year awards too. We also closed a major new deal with a major PC manufacturer today too on MyColors which is pretty exciting and Dell let us know they're very happy with the way things ar...
Beta 2, like Beta 1, is multiplayer only. We haven't put in the obfuscation yet for the password so don't logon in front of anyone yet. Beta 2 is about the custom game (which we'll probably rename to skirmishes later). Beta 3 (January) will focus on the Tournaments. THIS is the screen where the pain will take place. We do NOT have the Internet stuff working very well yet. Let me talk about the issue here so that e...
My cell phone's camera is pretty lame but here's the first go around with the collectable Rook miniature that comes with the Collector's Edition of Demigod. Now, before anyone asks, anyone who purchases the digital version of the Collector's Edition can get the boxed edition sent to them for the $5 difference and shipping and handling but wait until we put up a page for it which won't be until March so don't worry. The Collector's Edition will also have a MyColors theme for ...
I'm not personally into guns but I am a strong believer in the right for citizens to legally purchase pretty much any type of precision target weapon (i.e. guns). One of the strawman arguments I hear often is "Why not let people have nukes then?" and the reason is that the constitution intended citizens to bear arms -- specifically weapons that have a relatively high degree of precision. Explosives, canons, etc. are not precision weapons. Now before someone gets hung up on the above ...
Newsweek has seen its readership drop dramatically over the past few years. This doesn't surprise me as I used to be a subscriber to Newsweek but it increasingly drifted further and further left to the point where it wasn't just biased but started to feel like reading propaganda. I had been a subscriber for 10 years at the time. Here's an article discussing it.