Disclaimer: If you are one of those people who determine who they like based on esoteric political views you should probably not read further and moreover, might want to reconsider your priorities.
For everyone else...
It seems like I'm constantly hearing from liberals how Fox News is just so right wing. They almost never give examples of what they mean by that. Is Hannity right wing? Definitely. How about O'Reilly? He's certainly not liberal but 50 years ago he would have been a Democrat in all likelihood. And besides, neither of them are hosting NEWS shows. They are commentators -- analysts. They're the equivalent of the editorial page.
If you then point out that CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, NY Times, Washington Post, Time and Newsweek are as left of center as Fox is conservative they'll deny it.
So today, I'm going to walk you through the current issue of Time Magazine from the perspective of a conservative.
Let's start with the cover...