Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Draginol's Articles In Politics » Page 15
March 12, 2009 by Draginol
The Democrats have introduced a bill in congress that will put an end to those Farmer Markets. The bill’s sponsor, Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), is married to the CEO of Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research does work for Monsanto. The bill would force anyone who produces food and transports it (even in state) to register with a new federal agency called the “Food Safety Administration” and have their food inspected prior to sale which would, effectively put an end to those road-side stands or farmers m...
March 10, 2009 by Draginol
In Finland, how much you make determines the amount of a fine. For instance, a Finnish millionaire recently got a 112,000-euro speeding ticket (he was about 10 over).  That’s because the fine is calculated using what he earned last year. So the guy who inherits his wealth and sits on his butt is fine. But the guy who’s working his rear end off gets penalized more. Taking this to its logical conclusion, a young person should get more time in prison because he has more life av...
March 7, 2009 by Draginol

There are a lot of things I rant about to my poor wife– CO2 claptrap, illegal immigration, political correctness, the failure of our schools, the insouciance of government, societal disintegration generally. I see cowardice everywhere. The case of our friend, Mark Steyn leaps to mind. When we have governmental tribunals to silence citizens –and non citizens alike!– (as in Canada and in Europe) totalitarianism is not far away. I am astonished that I see only shrugs over the possibility of International tribunals holding sway over Americans. I observe how clever liberals are at labeling people and then getting laws passed to silence their branded enemies. Yes, now they are truly Enemies of the State. Conservatives must continue to sound the alarm. Indeed, they must become more vocal. They cannot allow the high ground to be taken if they want to recognize their country in only a few decades hence.

Read the whole thing here:

Definitely worth the read.

March 5, 2009 by Draginol
Interesting article here: Definitely worth reading. So my taxes are going to go up. Way up. But don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. The middle class, however, won’t be so fine. Part of the problem with our society is that deep down, we know some basic truths about it but it has been made impolitic to speak about these truths. So here are some of the unspoken truths that most people already know. #...
February 19, 2009 by Draginol
It’s well known I wasn’t a Bush fan. I may have more in common with Bush on ideology but in terms of his personality, I am glad he’s gone. I think Bush is a good man, I just don’t think he was well suited to be President. Obama, on the other hand, is very well suited to be President.  He has far more empathy.  Pundits don’t realize how much credibility Obama gets from people when he admits mistakes. The big bummer with Obama, of course, is that he doesn’t understand economics...
February 15, 2009 by Draginol
Read this open letter from the Heritage Foundation to President Obama.
February 15, 2009 by Draginol
When I write political blogs, I make it my business to be harsh about the poor and down trodden. If I seem like I don’t have a lot of compassion, that is probably because I don’t have a lot of compassion. I don’t really like humans in general. I like individuals, however, a lot. Maybe I’m just the end product of the secular agenda. Humans are merely another large mammal that is barely self aware is driven mostly on instincts. Where instincts don’t fill in the gap, most humans are just a bun...
February 5, 2009 by Draginol Barney Frank supports legislation that would put a cap on executive pay at all US companies. Now, I happen to think that if the government is handing out bailout money to a company that the government has every right to attach any strings they want. The company, after all, can decline said bailout if they don’t like the strings attached. But the idea that the federal government should have a ...
January 30, 2009 by Draginol
One of the things about right-wingers that really annoys me is when they tell people who don’t like some policy with the US that they should just move to another country. It’s just obnoxious. Of course, it’s annoying when left-wingers do it too. In JillUser’s blog asking that people who complain how the rich spend their own money to take an interest in how those on public assistance spend theirs, long time user Mumblefratz writes: I guess if that's how you look at it then t...
January 27, 2009 by Draginol

Last week I wrote an article detailing just how far left Time Magazine is.  My objection isn't that these media outlets are biased, my objection is their insistence that they are "objective" and "balanced" which they most certainly are not.

American liberals tend to foam at the mouth about the existence of FOX News, a center-right media outlet but are often oblivious or in aggressive denial that MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, Newsweek, Time, Washington Post, New York Times, LA Times, etc. are all as far left as Fox News is right.

Liberals are quick to talk about how you can't get your news from Fox but see nothing wrong with regurgitating quotes from the latest issue of Newsweek or 60 minutes.

This week, I'll walk through Newsweek -- as seen through the eyes of a conservative...


Read on...

January 26, 2009 by Draginol
January 22, 2009 by Draginol

Disclaimer: If you are one of those people who determine who they like based on esoteric political views you should probably not read further and moreover, might want to reconsider your priorities.

For everyone else...

It seems like I'm constantly hearing from liberals how Fox News is just so right wing.  They almost never give examples of what they mean by that.  Is Hannity right wing? Definitely. How about O'Reilly? He's certainly not liberal but 50 years ago he would have been a Democrat in all likelihood.  And besides, neither of them are hosting NEWS shows. They are commentators -- analysts. They're the equivalent of the editorial page.

If you then point out that CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, NY Times, Washington Post, Time and Newsweek are as left of center as Fox is conservative they'll deny it.

So today, I'm going to walk you through the current issue of Time Magazine from the perspective of a conservative.


Let's start with the cover...

January 16, 2009 by Draginol
For the record, I was against Proposition 8 in California. I don't think the state should involve itself in what legal arrangements consenting adults make.  If two gay people want to get married, that's fine with me. That said, the people of California voted (again) and they have decided that they don't want the state to acknowledge gay marriage.  Now Google comes along and tries to sue to have this overturned based on the premise that it makes it harder to hire people in ...
December 28, 2008 by Draginol
In the beginning... There were 13 colonies, each considered themselves a sovereign independent state (what we would call a nation today). Virginia and New York, for instance, considered themselves as sovereign as England and France. The peace treaty between Great Britain and the United States was between Britain and the 13 specifically named independent states. As a means to largely defend themselves from powerful colonial powers as well as to discourage warring between themselves...
December 25, 2008 by Draginol
Healthcare includes Medicaid, Medicare, and other stuff. Pensions includes Social Security and pensions for government workers.