It appears I've broken my foot. I just got back from the hospital and have it all wrapped up. I have to go later this week to a specialist to determine precisely what they deal is. Right now, it's just so swollen that it's hard to tell exactly what the deal is. So how did I injure it? Football or some other sport? Nope. Working on the house? Nope. I broke my foot hitting a balloon. My 4 year old son and I were hitting a little white balloon we had in the house attempting to se...
The media guide is now up. You can see what the advantages and features of are.
Let me first say that I think The Sims 2 is really good as a game product. Great graphcis, great production values, great attention to detail. But I don't seem to get it. First off, it strikes me as unforgiveable that the game doesn't feature a "go back 1 day" type feature so that if a key sim dies (like the guy I've spent 2 days building up) because of a ghost or some other silly thing that I can go back and try to correct it. Sure, it's not realistic, give me the option still. ...
Check out this article on the latest in the CBS memo battle. CBS apparently didn't do very much research into this story after all..
For those of you who have been living in a cave.. In early September CBS did a 60 Minutes story on Bush's National Guard service. The argument was that Bush got "special treatment" and "disobeyed direct orders". Did Bush get special treatment because of his dad? Probably to some extent. I don't think most people really cared. But CBS apparently cared. Cared enough that to back up their story they produced a series of "recently unearthed" documents allegedly from 1973. The source for these ...
Years from now I suspect they will be able to say that the Bush National Guard hoax on CBS's 60 News was the moment when "old media" jumped the shark. Jumping the shark is a term that refers to when something has passed its peak and is on its way down. It originates from a Happy Days episode where Henry Winkler as The Fonz, jumps a shark complete with leather jacket on. Old media avoided covering Swift Boat Veterans where it could. Its controversial claims are considered dubiou...
"powerful and extremely well-financed forces are concentrating on questions about the documents because they can’t deny the fundamental truth of the story." -Dan Rather last night The blogsphere is many things but well-financed is not one of them. Note to Dan: Doesn't take a lot of money to open up Microsoft Word, type the same document with default font, spacing, settings, scan it and then overlay it with your "memos from 1973" to see that they match perfectly with the memos. If CBS ...
In a couple of weeks Blog Navigiator 1.0 will be released and boy is it cool. It's the only way I interact with JoeUser pretty much these days because the speed advantages of RSS feeds vs. slogging it through the website are so apparent. The only thing I can't do - yet - is navigate through the forums. But that should be rectified fairly soon. But it's not just reading blogs, posting blogs is easy too. The posting part requires Blog Navigator Pro which will come out...
Was on CBS Radio in Seattle Washington and then CBS Radio in Boston and then on AP News Wire talking about politics and The Political Machine . I got all tingly tonight when I heard Little Green Footballs mentioned on The O'Reilly Factor. I thought "Hey, good for him!" Though a little jealous that he beat us to a mention. I couldn't help joke about the whole memo thing though when talking about Smear Merchants.
With millions of bloggers on-line and even with network TV news stories now getting fact checked in real time, the question is, has blogging become mainstream?
Bummer, the artist we were trying to hire in from the west isn't going to be able to come. Now we're still stuck without a lead modeler on Master of Magic/Sorcery. The search continues.
If you're reading this and you're in high school then let me tell you something: Those aren't the best days of your life. My high school days were hellish for me. But I wouldn't have it any other way. They gave me a healthy chip on my shoulder. Sure, it's negative, it's ugly, and whatever. But it motivated me to work harder to succeed in life. Since I was of the nerd class in high school, far down in the food chain and made to feel unworthy, there's a certain satisfaction at being successf...
For those people who are so ideologically biased that they are still fighting the good fight about the CBS memos, here's a document expert who goes into great detail as to why these documents could not have been done in 1973.
Things keep getting worse and worse for CBS as the evidence mounts that the memos they used to try to make George W. Bush look bad were simply cranked out on MS Word using its default settings rather than in 1973. The denials from the left are really almost..sad at this point. Can you imagine if criminal investigations were this partisan? "You can't trust that finger print, sure it matches exactly but if you can't prove that someone else in the world doesn't have that same finger print you mu...