Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Draginol's Articles » Page 105
September 11, 2004 by Draginol
Sometimes I ask, rhetorically, what is the right-wing equivalent to Democratic Underground? The far left of the US population seems to be foaming in angst and hatred that I find quite disturbing. I surf the web a great deal and there are no right wing sites of anywhere near the scale of DU that top this sort of thing in virtriol and hatred. 
September 11, 2004 by Draginol
At this points, anyone even remotely interested in this story who is on-line has seen the compelling evidence that the memos CBS used to prove that Bush was getting special treatment in the National Guard were in fact forged. Here's an animated GIF from LGF that shows the CBS received memo vs. a 2004 Windows XP MS Word document with all the default settings.  The evidence is pretty conclusive. You can't even get this close using a different word processor let alone using a type writ...
September 11, 2004 by Draginol
Been hearing a lot of Cheney's "outrageous" statement about making wrong choices and terrorist attacks? That's because he's not just being quoted out of context but actually having a sentence cut off. Here is how the sound bite runs: Because if we make the wrong choice, then the danger is that we’ll get hit again, that we’ll be hit in a way that will be devastating from the standpoint of the United States. Big problem with that quote - it's incomplete. There should be no period after...
September 11, 2004 by Draginol
Imagine the uproar there would have been if FoxNews ran with a story about say John Kerry having actually been reprimanded for cowardice in Vietnam based on "newly surfaced" 35 year old documents? Imagine if it turned out those documents were forgeries?  Imagine if the forgeries were so obvious that even non-experts could tell they were fakes just with a casual glance? I think we all know what the reaction FoxNews would get.
September 11, 2004 by Draginol
CBS is sticking to its guns despite increasingly overwhelming evidence that the documents they used as the basis for their anti-Bush national guard story were forged. CBS's "independent" source has come forward saying CBS misled him by indicating that the documents were "hand written". Having seen the documents, even he says they were probably computer generated. What's really startling is just how obviously computer generated they were.  These "memos" weren't just made with MS Word...
September 9, 2004 by Draginol
(comparison in print out using MS Word and the alleged document from 1973) CBS's 60 Minutes may have fallen for a hoax yesterday. After airing documents that claimed to show that pressure was put on officers to "sugar coat" Bush's national guard service, blog sites such as Little Green Footballs and this one seem to provide compelling evidence that this was a hoax. Story developing.
September 9, 2004 by Draginol
Looks like the documents that 60 Minutes showed "proving" Bush hadn't completed his National Guard duties were made with MS Word.  Not too much copies of Windows were running in the 70s.
September 9, 2004 by Draginol
Apparently the new Grand Theft Auto game will require that you work out to stay in shape -- in the game. Now, why would I do something in a game that I won't bother to do in real life? It reminds me of the early days of playing Ultima Online: [Select Mining Pick] [Target Rock] "No ore found" [Select Mining Pick] [Target Rock] "No ore found" [Select Mining Pick] [Target Rock] ["Iron Ore found. 1/1000 units to create ingot. 50 ingots needed for 1 gold coin. 10 gold coins nee...
September 8, 2004 by Draginol
Every do a favor for a friend or business associate only to have them not only not return the favor but nit-pick on everything you're doing. That's how I'm feeling right now.  I feel like I'm volunteering time to help landscape a friend's yard only to have my friend sit there and nit-pick the way I'm digging or complain that I'm not going fast enough. Except this is in the realm of business.  We have certain levels of custom service we're used to being able to provide to our cust...
September 8, 2004 by Draginol
US soldier returns from Iraq with some advice to US administrations: Meanwhile, Kerry, who still hasn't disclosed his service record may be making himself open by yelling about Bush's Vietname service: Kerry, who now says that Iraq was the wrong war at the wrong time is borrowing words from Howard Dean. Of course, when Howard Dean said that, Kerry said that anyon...
September 7, 2004 by Draginol
So now Kerry is trying to make an issue that Cheney got a deferrment for going to Vietnam? Are they seriously? Wasn't the last Democratic President an outright draft dodger? Since when is Vietnam war fighting experience a big deal to Democrats?
September 6, 2004 by Draginol
A little satire on how seriously some people take role playing. (looks up at the ceiling)
September 6, 2004 by Draginol
A little satire on how seriously some people take role playing. (looks up at the ceiling)
September 6, 2004 by Draginol
So it was kind of bugging me. I kept hearing how DesktopX couldn't do fancy icon labels. DesktopX certainly was capable of it. We just hadn't built in the feature into DesktopX.  So I decided I would make it so that people could have big friendly icons on their desktop with fancy labels. So here's how I did it: First: I realized that I would need 3 objects:     Object 1: The pretty icon.     Object 2: The pretty label background     Ob...
September 5, 2004 by Draginol
Anyone who, like me, watched the Hardball interview with Zell Miller in which Senator Miller nearly challenges host Chris Mathews to a duel probably came away with the impression that Senator Miller is nuts or at least a crotchety old crank. Not true though.  Miller, a veteran of cable TV show interviews, does not like having words put into his mouth.  Mathews wasn't trying to do that (in my opinion) in this particular case. But Miller was wary of Mathews after his recent poor treat...