Woman sueing city and railroad company for being hit by a train - while she was walking on the train tracks..
For those who want a clearer story about what's going on in Iraq with regards to the marine who shot the wounded insurgent in a mosque, read the letter below. It's a definite must-read that gives a much clearer picture of what happened.
Here's an article that pretty much sums up my views. I'm sure people who already think the US is "the devil" are going to latch on to killing of a wounded terrorist. I'm sorry but it's not like the terrorists are taking prisoners here. Our marines, in a combat zone, have to protect themselves and their comrades first. Second guessing our guys in a hot zone is ridiculous.
I have friends that claim that the right is just as bad as the left when it comes to kooks. Yet, when asked for specifics they vaguely allude to Rush Limbaugh or Ann Coulter or when really desperate some Christian religious zealot (as if being religious makes you right wing). Yet time and time again we end up hearing left wingers singing the same hateful crap: Those of us who voted for Bush are stupid, moronic, unenligthened, and ignorant. Today's example comes from Linda Rondstadt:...
I finally broke down and got an Xbox. I have a Game Cube already but I'm mostly a PC games person. I've been playing some World of Warcraft, Kohan 2, The Sims 2, and a few others games that recently came out. No, I'm not playing Half-Life 2. Indeed. I'm waiting for my new mega machine to arrive. Only then will I begin playing it. But in the meantime, I wanted to see the hub-bub about Halo 2 was. So I went out and got the XBox and Halo 2. The XBox came with a pretty decent foot...
Executive Summary: I'm the President & CEO of Stardock Corp. Beyond the usual strategic management work, I am also directly involved with the day to day operations of several of our key projects. I also do a lot of writing, skinning and programming. Below is a partial summary of my background. Most Important Talent: Really really fast typer. Education Graduated in 1994 with a degree in Electrical Engineering with specialty of Computer Engineering. Taught Elec...
Here's an interesting view point from a well known Democrat: Born again Christians shouldn't get to vote: Following University President Don Randel’s warm introduction, the famed author, host, and wry wit of A Prairie Home Companion, started by commenting on election results. “I am a Democrat—it’s no secret. I am a museum-quality Democrat,” Keillor said. “Last night I spent my time crouched in a fetal position, rolling around and moaning in the dark.” Not one to shy away from speak...
As far as I know, JoeUser.com is the only blog community on the Internet. There are various blog services out there but each blog is an island. That is, they are completely isolated from other sites on there. The downside of the way we have JoeUser is that it's hard to avoid having the opinions of those who you dislike show up on your page somewhere as part of the "newest" or "featured" and the like. Of course, as some people who have left JoeUser because of those reasons have le...
The problem people have been hearing about in the game industry isn't new. But it's good that it's coming out. Here's a blog I wrote in 2002 about the game industry's dark side: https://www.joeuser.com/Articles/TheDarksideofthegameindus.html
France, the country whose foreign minister said that there is never a good reason to use violence during the run-up to the Iraq war now has 5,000 troops in Ivory Coast. Yesterday, they destroyed most of the Ivory Coast airforce. I assume there will be huge protest marches by the left and accusations that Chirac is like Hitler....right?
Joeuser.com is unique in the sense that it is a blog community. We all have our own individual blogs that then make up a greater blog (so to speak). During the political season, it was really a challenge to keep the overall community from becoming radicalized. Anyone who has ever run a community knows there are very specific dyanmics that tend to work towards making a community radicalized. The primary dynamic is critical mass. Critical mass in this sense being where enough vocal supp...
Why did the Republicans win? Two words: Michael Moore. By embracing such a hateful, disdainful person, the Democrats demonstrated that they're out of touch with the mainstream of America. Read the whole thing.
This is definitely worth reading. Here at Stardock, we rarely work crazy hours. 40 to 50 hours per week is more typical for most people here except during crunch hours where it might go up to 60 hours for a few weeks. But what you're seeing at EA and other game companies - 80 hours per week - is pretty typical in the game industry.
I love statistics. The generosity index is from the people at the Catalogue of Philantrophy. It is computed by taking each state's average income and the state's charitable donations and then ranking them. Turns out, red states do much better than blue states: Now before conservatives get too excited about demonstrating their moral superiority, I would be interested in seeing a chart of the original data - that is, the average income per person per state. Because this may be ...