I hate Januaries. It seems like that is the time of year that my body decides to make me aware that I'm not a kid anymore. I got a bad head cold which I've never really had. I just normally don't get sick. And to illustrate that, this past weekend was the first time I've ever had to blow my nose. It's just never come up. That's not to say I've never had the sniffles but I've never had it bad enough where I felt the need to blow my nose until this weekend. Which was a comical...
People seem to be really obsessed over how much cash different countries are pledging. One thing that doesn't (surprise) get that much coverage is how much money different countries have already spent in reality. As I surf the web, one thing that comes up over and over is the utter lack of understanding of logistics. It's as if some people imagine that food, water, shelter, clothing just magically appear to victims of the Tsunamis. One almost imagines they they picture a Star Trek like ...
You can fine the complete report here . I'm not impressed. Very little introspection. They tossed out 4 people but there doesn't seem to be any soul searching of why this happened. They blame it on "competitive pressures" - as if there were tons of others ready to pounce on this "story". The reality is that a clique of far-left wing "journalists" at CBS got out of control and nearly brought the network to its knees. Until the mainsteram media can come to terms with its bias, it's going...
http://wowvault.ign.com/?dir=guilds&content=tabards Based on feedback, we're going to go with design #20. Now, what colors? I was thinking something simple like white background with the symbol in gold. But what do you think? Here are a few combos I've put together. Option #1 Option #2 Option #3 Option #4 Click on the thumbnail to enlarge.
Not surprisingly, most of the worst ones are from left wingers.
Amazon.com is running a donation system on its home page to provide aid to tsunami victims. Since it has pages in different countries, you can see how well it does per country. USA : http://www.amazon.com/ http://s1.amazon.com/exec/varzea/ts/my-pay-page/PX3BEL97U9A4I/104-4679654-9766331 Total collected: $13,910,657.00 Number of donations: 171,710 Population of USA : 293,027,571 Approximate per capita donation to RC thru Amazon: $0.0475 &n...
Hi gang, Felt like I'd gotten hit over the head with hammer today. The flu is going around and while I don't have that, I have a definite cold. Rammix and Stormy have been moving up the level ladder at impressive speeds. I just hit a puny level 25 so far. Cooler Guild Site: I agree with others who have said that this guild page is kind of lame. It is lame. On the other hand, down the line we hope to make JoeUser versatile enough that we could make something like this . If...
If it seems like JoeUser.com hasn't been getting much loving from Stardock lately, it's because it hasn't. It's not that we don't love all of you and JoeUser.com, it's just that we only have so many developers and so little time to put into each project. And while JoeUser.com does attract many thousands of users each week, WinCustomize.com attracts almost 4 million each week. And WinCustomize.com had been severely negletected for so long. This month, all our sites will be making a cr...
So here I am, back in my office. I like my job but wow, I really preferred to be home. Had a great vacation though. Finished Knights of the Old Republic II. Pretty disappointed with the rushed ending and the plot lines that didn't make any sense at all to me. The first one was magnificient. The new one is absurd and has gaping holes in its plot. Played quite a bit of World of Warcraft. I'm Draginol on the Uther server. Trying to come up with a good tabard for ...
The UN, once again, seems to have mastered giving the appearance of doing a lot of work while doing very little. Instead, they take credit for the work of others. Perhaps they should look into getting into game publishing...
I get threats of various kinds pretty frequently. Sometimes it's because they really dislike my political points of view. Others because they are mad because I moderated one of their posts. And other times they just plain hate me for reasons that I cannot even begin to fathom. But I get enough of these that I have to take them seriously. When I was younger and had more free time (and a lot dumber) I'd call their bluff. I'd tell them "Go ahead, make my day, coward." I've met ...
If we learned anything last year with regards to the media and bloggers, it is that the days of ideologically driven "mainstream" reporting are numbered. When CBS tried to smear Bush with blatantly phoney National guard documents it blew up back in CBS's face as Internet users posted on-line how the documents were obviously forged. Conservatives have had to grin and bear it for years as the mainstream media, led by the New York Times and followed by the network news stations, had a virt...
Gad I get tired of seeing calls for nerfing based on the experience of PvP players. I play as a Paladin and I can see where in a straight up dual that a Paladin would be tough to kill. But most of those Paladin powers are usable only once in a long while (lay on hands is good once per hour for instance). Just annoys me to think that the PvP players might be able to get their "nerf" requests taken seriously based on something as artificial as a pre-arranged duel. Most of the ti...
Wherever you are, have a Merry Christmas!